Many patients struggle with venous disease and often wonder why varicose veins only appear on their lower extremities. The main reasoning behind this is due to the pressure that walking and standing on your feet all day causes as well as the effects of gravity.
In order to understand why varicose veins appear more commonly on the legs, it is important to acknowledge the risk factors that cause varicose veins. One’s gender, age, fitness, general health, and the extent of periods of inactivity are all factors for varicose vein development.
An important factor in answering this particular question relates to long periods of inactivity, as this generally affects only the legs. Ultimately, long periods of standing or sitting (which can lead to the development of varicose veins) do not affect the veins in your arms or other parts of your body.
Another reason that explains why venous disease is more prevalent in the legs is due to gravity. The valves in your veins are supposed to push blood back up, but due to gravity and excessive pressure, these valves can fail. It is when these valves fail that venous diseases such as varicose and spider veins arise. This is typically more commonly associated with varicose veins in the legs as standing and walking can both add immense pressure to your lower venous valves.
Contact us!
At Canada Vein Clinics we specialize in the treatment of varicose veins. We offer numerous state-of-the-art treatments for this condition and help to find the best treatment for you. Book a consultation to find out more information! Give us a call today at 1-888-876-8346, or email us at