No! While varicose veins can be a solely cosmetic problem, for many people they can come with unfavorable symptoms. Generally, people will begin to physically notice the varicose veins appearing as they are bluish or greenish and can be bulging on the legs surface. The symptoms that may then arise, and they tend to vary from person to person. Ultimately, the issue of varicose veins stems from unhealthy legs – whether they are purely cosmetic or causing you to be symptomatic.
It is important to realize that as varicose vein symptoms vary, you may be unaware of the symptoms you are experiencing. Heaviness, itchiness, swelling, and restless legs are all symptoms of venous disease that can sometimes go unnoticed. Other more obvious symptoms include: pain, skin discoloration, muscle cramping, or burning. It is this differing level of indications that can cause one to disregard the symptoms of varicose veins.

While these symptoms can arise, varicose veins do tend to be asymptomatic. Unfortunately, just because you do not have symptoms does not mean that there is no problem to be treated. This is due to the fact that the varicose veins themselves are an issue that needs to be resolved. If not treated, they can develop into much more serious issues. Read more about the dangers of varicose veins on one of our other blogs, here.
Why is treatment important?
Varicose veins can cause serious complications such as leg ulcers and blood clots or deep vein thrombosis if they are not properly treated. Sometimes more severe venous conditions can arise as a consequence of the varicose veins, and without treatment they can go unnoticed. The fact that more serious venous disease can arise without symptoms is troublesome. For this reason we highly suggest coming in for a consultation and ultrasound as soon as you notice varicose veins developing. The sooner you get them treated, the sooner you can have your healthy legs back!
Contact Us!
At Canada Vein Clinics we specialize in the treatment of varicose veins. We offer numerous treatments for this condition and help to find the best treatment for you. Book a consultation to find out more information! Give us a call today at 1-888-876-8346, or email us at